New Marvel Superheroes Minifigs

Similar to my previous post on the DC Superheroes Minifigs, I will cover the upcoming Marvel Superheroes minifigs in order of the figs I am most excited about to the least excited about.

I did notice that there were a lot more DC heroes that have pictures released than Marvel heroes.  I’m not sure if this means that there will be less Marvel sets, or that there are more figs waiting to be revealed.  Also, most of the Figures are Spider-Man related so i guess that means we will be seeing a lot of the web-slinger’s sets in the near future,

First up:

Dr. Doom

This one actually tops the list mostly because my kids think it’s cool.  While Dr. Doom isn’t necessarily our favorite Marvel villain, he has a ton of recognition around our house because he was the first main villain on the Super Hero Squad cartoon.  That’s why I think they like this figure so much.  It’s design appears to be based on the Super Hero Squad version of Dr. Doom.  I think this will make it a hit with kids and it’s a lot cooler than the Loki figure that was included in almost every Marvel set that has been released so far.


Spider-Man looks to be the anchor of the second wave of Marvel figures.  This character has always had great visual appeal to me, but for some reason Marvel has tried their best to kill his popularity with lame story gimmicks and Spider-Man 3.  I don’t even care if I see the new movie or not.  i probably will, but that’s because I have to see all Super Hero movies.

Now, back on topic.  The new Spider-Man fig is actually available now as part of the new Doc Oc’s Ambush set so it kinda doesn’t qualify as an “upcoming” figure.  Although these pics were released during the San Diego Comic-Con so I guess he was upcoming then.  Although they didn’t release an Iron Fist or Doc Oc pic so, who knows how they choose these lists?


Probably Spider-Man’s greatest enemy.  The head is great, with all of the teeth showing and the giant eyes really make him look true to character.  The printing on the torso is awesome.  The only thing I don’t like is the vines coming off of his back.   I get that they were trying to make the suit look like it was stretching out to get Spidey, and there was probably no other way to do it, but this probably would have been better if it was left off the figure.  But, I do predict that this is going to be the most sought after of the new Marvel figs coming out.  Heck, it will probably be the most sought after of the entire Marvel line!


I had never heard of the Marvel comics version of the Beetle.  I had heard of DC comics’ Blue Beetle but this one was new to me.  There have actually been a number of different incarnations of the Beetle over the years, but this one appears to be based on the Ultimate Spider-Man version of the Beetle.  Which would make sense since the current Spider-man set is branded with Ultimate Spider-Man.  Regardless of who he is, the minifigure is pretty cool looking.  It looks like we will be getting a new type of wings with this figure too.


A lesser known character in the Marvel universe is getting a minifigure.  I have no idea what kind of set this figure would be included in, but it’s cool that we are getting these lesser tier characters instead of rehashes of the main heroes.  Nova’s helmet is pretty cool, but the overall design of the rest of the figure is pretty bland.  Only hardcore Marvel fans will probably be interested in this one.

Nick Fury

A Super-boring minifigure.  Although the head would be cool to use on a custom pirate minifig.  Plus, as cool as Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury is, he’s just not the Nick Fury I grew up with.

J. Jonah Jameson

It’s just another figure of an old guy in a suit.



New Lego Superheroes Minifigs

Pics of the new Lego Superheroes minifigs have been floating around the internet since comic-con.

Instead of just reposting the pictures here, I’m going to go over the minifigs and tell you what I think of them.  It will probably get  a little lengthy so I will break this down over the next few days.

Today, DC:  Listed from the fig I want the most to the fig I want the least!

First up, White Suit Batman:

I am probably the most excited for this minifig.  I don’t even know why.  probably because it’s cool to start getting a little more variety in the bat-suits or maybe because I think we might start to see some other colored suits like the light blue and red Batsuits from the original Lego Batman video game.  Whatever it means for the future of the Bat-figs, this is still a cool looking fig.


The second figure I am looking forward to has to be the Scarecrow.  Not too excited about the wizard hat and lack of printing on the legs, but the face and Torso more than make up for those minor drawbacks.  The face actually looks scary and it’s better than the glow in the dark head that the original Scarecrow fig had.  The torso has a cleaner design and i can see other uses for it beyond this particular fig.  This will definitely be a figure that builders will crave.

Arkham Joker:

Another figure that signals that Lego is willing to experiment with the design of the characters.  Joker in his Arkham Asylum jumpsuit has been seen in the comics on numerous occasions so it makes sense that they would choose this costume.  What will we see next?  Joker in his vacation outfit as we saw in The killing Joke?  Joker in a straightjacket?  Joker in a Jester outfit?  The possibilties are endless.  One thing I would like to see from Lego is different hair for the Joker.  The slicked back hair makes him look like a mob hitman rather than the Clown Prince of crime.


This figure is based on The Dark Knight Rises movie version of Bane.  I think it’s pretty cool that we get a TDKR version of Bane.  It’s not so cartoony.  I wish we would get some sort of Lego version of his coat that he wears in the movie, but I won’t be holding my breath.


Aquaman is the only non-Batman related (DC) character that Lego has unveiled in this batch of Superheroes.  I guess that isn’t too surprising considering how successful the Batman characters have been for them so far.  It would still be nice to see some other characters.  (although I bet next year will bring a few Superman related sets)  For varitey’s sake I’m glad that Aquaman is included.  I can’t even imagine what the set would be that will be included in.  Oh and I don’t really care for the One Direction hairstyle.  First thing i am going to do is put a hook on his hand and find a better hairpiece than this so he looks more like this version of Aquaman.

Harleen Quinzell:

Harley Quinn was once Dr. Harleen Quinzell and was assigned to treat the Joker before she fell in love with him and became Harley Quinn.  From time to time she has reverted back to her psychologist persona in order to break the Joker out of Arkham.  This and the Arkham inmate Joker lead me to believe that there will be an Arkham Asylum set of some sort in the future.  A castle-style Arkham with Harleen,  Joker, Batman, and another fig or 2 would be pretty sweet.

Mr. Freeze:

The face printing and what can be seen of the torso printing look pretty cool.  The disappointing bit on this fig is that Lego decided to throw in an Atlantis diver suit as Mr. Freeze’s cold suit.  I understand that Lego does not want to create a bunch of elements that will only be used once, but I wish they would have been a little more creative with his suit.  maybe Mr. Freeze would be included in a possible  Arkham set?  Although it’s possible he comes in the set that includes the white suited Batman fig.

Poison Ivy:

I’m not really sure how this qualifies as a “new’ figure since she was already included in the Batcave set released earlier this year.  Again, this could be another potential asylum figure.

The Dark Knight Batman:

I’m not too pumped for this figure.  I just don’t like the design of the torso.  I also don’t know why the cape and Cowl are black and the legs and torso are grey.  This fig just seems poorly designed to me.  I do like that we get the TDKR bat-symbol on a figure other than last year’s SDCC exclusive.  But I’m not falling all over myself to get this figure.

Black winged Batman:

Another nothing special figure.  It’s basically just a black suited Batman which was already released.  This time they took the bat-wings that came with the blue Batman in the Catwoman Catcycle City Chase and painted them black.  I’m sure the completists among us will want it.

SWAT team Commissioner Gordon:

I am sure that there are a lot of the modern warfare MOCers who are pretty excited about this figure.  Where else are you going to get and official Lego SWAT torso?  But as an overall figure this is just kind of ho-hum to me.  I guess it’s going to be included in whatever TDKR set Lego puts out.  Although I don’t remember Gordon wearing a SWAT vest in that movie.   He did wear one in The Dark Knight.


I’ve got to imagine someone at a Lego board meeting said “Let’s take the Robin figure we have now, through a hood on him, and change his legs to black.  Then we have a new Robin!”  this must have resulted in a lot of pats on the back because that is exactly what happened.  To be fair, this does reflect the Damian Wayne version of Robin that is currently being portrayed in the comics.  Oh and he has his own version of a Hobbit cape to go with him.


This figure is ok I guess.  But I can’t get over the fact that it looks like a kid in a Penguin costume.  I will probably get it to complete the Batman rogue’s gallery, but I don’t have to be happy about it.


Seriously, a guard?  Even if this guy hadn’t already been released as part of the Batmobile and the Two-Face Chase set, I don’t even know why Lego would think anybody would care about this guy.  But, it is another piece of evidence that points to a potential Arkham Asylum set.

I don’t know if this is all the minifigs that Lego will be releasing in the near future.  Actually, I don’t even know when these are going to be released!  I am still waiting on a Lego Flash and a Professor Zoom.  Heck, Flash’s rogue’s gallery rivals Batman’s and could probably support a line itself.  But, don’t be surprised to see a Flash or  even a Green Lantern fig pop up unexpectedly.  Especially considering both have pictures  on the DC Superheroes homepage

So, that’s the DC side of things.  Look for the Marvel side in the coming days.  What figures are you excited about?  Who do you wish Lego made the most?  Who do you wish they didn’t make?  Answer in the comments section!  don’t worry, they don’t bite!

Lego Lord of the Rings trailer Oh and a new Batman 2 trailer

To almost nobody’s surprise, we now have a trailer for a Lego Lord of the Rings video game.  It’s been speculated on for months and now it’s finally official.  Here is your chance to watch the trailer yourself.  More to come after the video:

So the plot of the game appears as if it will follow the plot of the movies closely.  With source material of only 3 movies, I guess their isn’t much room for deviation.  The trailer also features voices which first appeared in the trailer for Batman 2.  Personally, I like the voices.  The Lego games were starting to get a little stale to me so anything to change them up is fine by me.  As for the voices, they either got some great sound alikes to play the characters from the movies or they just lifted the voiceovers.  There wasn’t enough dialog for me to tell, but Frodo sounded almost dead-on like Elijah Wood.

Another thing that the release of this trailer tells me is that Lego has once again proven that they are smarter than I am.  I wondered in previous LOTR set reviews if they may be out of their target audience with these sets since most 6-11 year olds probably don’t know these movies very well.  But the release of the accompanying video game will introduce these characters to a whole bunch of younger kids that may not be familiar with them.

Not to be outdone, Batman 2 has a new trailer as well:

This trailer really just expands a little bit on what the other Lego Batman 2 trailers have revealed so far, but I have to say that I am the most excited about Lego Flash.  The Flash has always been one of those characters that I have followed off and on, but a chance to get the Scarlet Speedster in Lego form has me excited for this game and future set releases.

With 2 Lego video games due out this year, there really is cause for both Lego fans and Gamers to rejoice.  These games are always popular and they help to fuel demand for Lego and really force the designers to look for new characters to immortalize in minifig form since they have so many characters that they need to fill these games up with.  I only hope that they will actually produce a Lego Ras Al Ghul this time around!

Picture of the New Lego Spider-Man set

The new Lego Super-Heroes Spider-Man set popped up briefly yesterday.  It was on a website from Australia named Mr toys.  But the link now appears to be broken.  I don’t know if it is official or not, but I managed to grab a copy of the picture that was posted.

Mr. Toys had an expected release date of August 15, but their asking price was $69.99!  I couldn’t tell if that was USD or AUD but looking at the prices of their other Lego sets, that price seems to be higher than the USD prices we see here in the states.

Brickipedia has the expected release date and price listed as May 2012 and $39.99 and this same picture.  But this picture looks like a preliminary design since there is no piece count on the box.  Which is probably a good thing because some of the chatter online hasn’t been to favorable to the design of Spider-man and Doc Ock looks pretty terrible.  This is similar to the chatter heard over the Iron Man preliminary designs last year and everyone seems pretty happy with how those turned out.

Is the picture real?  We do know from the promotional materials included with the current Marvel Super Heroes sets that Spider-man, Iron Fist, and Doc Ock are slated to be in the new Ultimate Spider-Man set and the box art looks in line with what we have been seeing from the Super Heroes sets so far.  I just wonder why the pic was pulled so quickly.

I guess, for now, we will just have to enjoy the one picture we have and wait….

Lego news

Sorry it’s been a few days since I have posted, but I have finals, work, and 2 kids I am dealing with these days!  Anyway, I just thought I would round up some links and comment on them quickly to catch everyone up on the Lego news I have been reading the past week!

Over on the Brickblogger: They are reporting that season 1 of Ninjago is available to order.  Apparently, The rise of the snakes season is season 1 and the original episodes with the skeletons were more like a pilot.  Either way, it’s still cool to be able to get these on DVD.

Free Hulk!  If you order $50.00 or more from or spend the same amount in the Lego store, you will get an exclusive Free Hulk minifigure!

FREE Exclusive 'The Hulk™' Minifigure with a $50 purchase. Valid 5.16 - 5.30

Also, the Lord of The Rings sets are available now!  I already placed an order for the Uruk-Hai army figures and I will be posting a review of them once I get them in my hands!

Over on Lego Cuusoo the Firefly project was rejected for production due to the content of the show and movie.  I have not seen the show so I can’t comment on whether or not the show is out of bounds, but Lego did reiterate that their product is for children ages 6-11.

However, the Legend of Zelda and Modular Western Town projects did reach 10,000 votes!  I predict that the next project to actually be released will be the western town since there won’t be any licensing deals to be negotiated.  I also think that it will probably be scaled down to just one building since the actual project was pretty huge.

Actually reading a little further along in the Cuusoo blog, it looks as if they will be approving 1 project per quarter for release.  Although it’s not guaranteed that they will release even that many.  I still think that the Western town will be the next set made.  I have a feeling that this is a roundabout way for Lego to cut  down on the number of licensed sets that could potentially be released.

That about wraps it up for today!